POPIA Notification

Dear Client, Please be advised that the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) is in effect as of 1 July 2021. All companies that process personal information are compelled to comply with the act and in doing so are also required to inform their clients of their rights.

For the purposes of the act, clients are known as “data subjects” and include (and not necessarily limited to). Please read the following as this explains your rights as a data subject.

Please note that Summer Anna collects, processes and shares personal information where it is necessary and does so in a responsible and compliant manner. ANNEXURE “A1” Notification – Rights of data subjects (S5 and S18 of the POPIA) A. Rights of data subjects (S5 of the POPIA) Data subjects have the right to:

  • Have their personal information processed only in accordance with the POPIA conditions;
  • Be notified that personal information about them is being collected;
  • Be notified that personal information has been acquired by an unauthorised person;
  • Establish whether the scheme holds their personal information and to request access to it;
  • Request, where necessary, the correction, destruction or deletion of their personal information;
  • Object on reasonable grounds to the processing of their personal information (applicable to certain data subjects only);
  • Object to the processing of their personal information for purposes of direct marketing;
  • Not have their personal information processed for purposes of direct marketing;
  • Not be subjected to a decision based solely on the automated processing of their personal information;
  • Submit a complaint to the Information Regulator regarding interference with the protection of their personal information;
  • Institute civil proceedings regarding interference with their personal information. B. Notification of data subjects’ rights (S5 of the POPIA) The data subject is hereby informed that personal information about them is being collected, in order to meet the necessary requirements.
  • Notification to data subject (S18 of the POPIA) The data subject is hereby made aware that:
  • Personal information about them is being collected from various sources
  • The supply of the personal information is mandatory and where applicable needs to be collected and held in terms of legislation.
  • Other third parties do have a right to access the information in terms of PAIA
  • The data subject has a right to object to the processing of the information (applicable to certain data subjects only);
  • The data subject has a right to lodge a complaint to the Information Regulator (email: inforeg@justice.gov.za / Tel: 010 023 5200, 082 746 4173). For further information regarding our privacy policy please refer to our website.

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